American Model Toys - AMT F-7 Diesel Locomotives

These locomotives use a powerful 7-pole AC/DC Pittman motor, which is rated for operation up to 25 volts. Neoprene Traction Tread rubber tires are installed on all four drive wheels, thus making these locomotives excellent pullers. A matching B unit was designed, but never produced. Due to the injection molding process that AMT used, the locomotive roofs are humped in the center. The later Kusan F-7s had straight roof lines.

Pennsylvania F-7 locomotive - side view

AMT catalog number F-4. Pennsylvania 8644 F-7 A unit. Painted bright red versus the later, same catalog number, Kusan dark green model. See the two pictures below for two front stripe versions of this locomotive. Both versions have the same side stripe pattern.

Pennsylvania F-7 multiple front stripes variation

Pennsylvania 8644 F-7 A unit multiple front stripes variation. Also known as the "cat whiskers" version.

Pennsylvania F-7 solid front stripes variation

Pennsylvania 8644 F-7 A unit solid front stripes variation.

Pennsylvania F-7 clear body shell variation

Pennsylvania 8644 F-7 A unit clear body shell variation. Photo courtesy of M. Scruggs.

Baltimore and Ohio F-7 locomotive - side view

AMT catalog number F-7. Baltimore and Ohio 8644 F-7 A unit. Two side screws secure the fuel tank skirt to the chassis. See a video of this locomotive in action. Later produced by Kusan under the same catalog number.

Baltimore and Ohio F-7 - front angle view

Baltimore and Ohio 8644 F-7 A unit. The B&O Capitol dome emblem is on the front.

Silver Flash F-7 locomotive - side view

Uncatalogued AMT Silver Flash 1733 F-7 A unit. A single side screw secures the fuel tank skirt to the chassis. This road name was exclusive to AMT production and was not made later by Kusan.

Silver Flash F-7 - front angle view

Silver Flash 1733 F-7 A unit. A red five point star is on the front.

Auburn Model Trains F-7 locomotive boxes

Auburn Model Trains, Pennsylvania F-7 AA units boxes. Photo courtesy of the G. Clarke collection.

Auburn Model Trains F-7 locomotive box ends

Auburn Model Trains, Pennsylvania F-7 dummy and powered unit box ends. Photo courtesy of the G. Clarke collection.

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