Kris Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rolling Stock

The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy (CB&Q), also known as the Burlington Route, served the midwest, mountain states and Texas. Variations noted are from the Kris Model Trains chapter of Greenberg's Guide to Kusan Trains. Greenberg's lists boxcars under CB&Q and refrigerator cars under both Burlington and CB&Q.

Kris CB&Q 239 boxcar

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 239 boxcar; Chinese red; white lettering; red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding white rib doors; half ladders. There is no CB&Q road number 239 boxcar listed in Greenberg's. Photo courtesy of the B. Batt collection.

Kris CB&Q 404 boxcar

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 404 boxcar; Chinese red; white lettering; red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding Chinese red panel doors; half ladders. CB&Q boxcar variation (B) in Greenberg's.

Kris CB&Q 28203 boxcar

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 28203 boxcar; bright red; white lettering; "CBQ;" red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding bright red panel doors; full ladders. CB&Q boxcar variation (E) in Greenberg's. Photo courtesy of the G. Clarke collection.

Kris CB&Q 28203 boxcar with car end stamping

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 28203 boxcar; bright red; white lettering; "CBQ;" red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding bright red panel doors; full ladders; "CBQ 112237" in white stamped on the car ends. Similar to CB&Q boxcar variation (E) above, except for the car end stamping. Photo courtesy of the M. Smith collection.

Kris CB&Q 28203 boxcar - factory error

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 28203 boxcar - appears to be a factory error. Compared to the two cars above, "CBQ" and "28203" are missing on this side. Photo courtesy of the T. Cosgrove collection.

Kris CB&Q 48659 boxcar with plug doors

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 48659 boxcar; bright red; white lettering and graphics; "CB&Q;" red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding bright red plug doors; half ladders. CB&Q boxcar variation (F) in Greenberg's. Photo courtesy of the M. Smith collection.

Kris CB&Q 48659 boxcar with panel doors

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 48659 boxcar; Chinese red; white lettering and graphics; "CB&Q;" red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding Chinese red panel doors; half ladders; particle board chassis. CB&Q boxcar variation (G) in Greenberg's.

Kris CB&Q 70034 refrigerator car

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 70034 refrigerator car; dark green; white lettering and graphics; red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding dark green plug doors; half ladders. This refrigerator car is classified as CB&Q boxcar variation (I) in Greenberg's. Photo courtesy of the M. Smith collection.

Kris CB&Q 112237 boxcar with plug doors

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 112237 boxcar; red; black and white lettering; "CB&Q;" red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding red plug doors; full ladders. Similar to CB&Q boxcar variation (K) in Greenberg's, except no road number is printed on the car ends. Photo courtesy of the M. Smith collection.

Kris CB&Q 112237 boxcar with panel doors

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 112237 boxcar; red; black and white lettering; "CB&Q;" red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding red panel doors; full ladders; "CBQ 112237" printed on car ends. Red boxcar with panel doors variation not documented in Greenberg's. Photo courtesy of the G. Clarke collection.

Kris CB&Q 812032 boxcar

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 812032 boxcar; bright red; white lettering; "CBQ;" red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding bright red panel doors; full ladders. Road number 812032 is not listed in Greenberg's.

Kris CB&Q 812203 boxcar

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 812203 boxcar; bright red; white lettering; "CBQ;" red, white and black Burlington Route logo; sliding bright red panel doors; full ladders. CB&Q boxcar variation (O) in Greenberg's. Photo courtesy of the T. Cosgrove collection.

Kris CB&Q 76263 Everywhere West refrigerator car

Burlington Refrigerator Express 76263 Everywhere West and Journapak refrigerator car; yellow; black, white and red lettering and graphics; stamped yellow plug doors; full ladders; particle board chassis. Burlington refrigerator car variation (B) in Greenberg's.

Kris CB&Q 76263 refrigerator car with door outlines

Burlington Refrigerator Express 76263 Everywhere West and Journapak refrigerator car; yellow; black lettering and graphics; stamped yellow plug doors outlined in black; full ladders. The Burlington Route logo is distinctly different on this car compared to all the others on this page. Burlington refrigerator car variation (C) in Greenberg's. This car also matches the description of the only Chicago, Burlington and Quincy refrigerator car listed in Greenberg's. Photo courtesy of the M. Smith collection.

Kris CB&Q 76263 refrigerator car

Burlington Refrigerator Express 76263 refrigerator car; yellow; black, white and red lettering and graphics; stamped yellow plug doors; full ladders. Black and white lettering, sans Everywhere West, refrigerator car variation not documented in Greenberg's.

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