Above are transitional pictures from the layout in Alabama to my parent's home in Florida. On the left is a calendar photo given me by my parents. They combined a layout photo from Alabama with one of me sitting in front of the Florida Christmas tree. The middle photo, taken in 1978, is a close up of Lionel's # 50 Gang Car and # 140 Automatic Banjo Signal from the Alabama layout. The right photo shows a train made by my Mom. She sewed yarn over plastic screen material cut to the shape of a train. The picture was taken on my parent's dock in Florida during the 1980's.
I didn't have anyplace to store the trains the last couple of years I lived in Alabama, so I visited them at my parent's home in Florida. My folks were nice enough to temporarily give up their garage for the layout during my visit. As seen in the photos above, not much operating was done as I tended to set out more trains than I could run. This was during my "set 'em up and admire 'em stage" in the early 1980's.