Frank's Roundhouse Boxcars - Page 12
Frank's Roundhouse # 67. Minneapolis and St. Louis 55837 The Peoria Gateway bright red doors variation boxcar; bright red body color; white and red lettering and graphics; equipped with sliding bright red panel or plug doors with dimensional data. Came in either a Frank's Roundhouse white box or KMT blue, orange and white box. Photo courtesy of the G. Clarke collection.
Frank's Roundhouse # 67. Minneapolis and St. Louis 55837 The Peoria Gateway white doors variation boxcar; bright red body color; white, red and black lettering and graphics; equipped with sliding white panel doors with dimensional data. Came in either a Frank's Roundhouse white box or KMT blue, orange and white box. Photo courtesy of the H. Schmid collection.
Frank's Roundhouse # 70. Pennsylvania 608655 Don't Stand Me Still! boxcar; tuscan body color; white and yellow lettering and graphics; equipped with sliding panel or plug doors with dimensional data. Came in a Frank's Roundhouse white box. Photo courtesy of the B. Trappen collection.
Frank's Roundhouse # 74. Erie Lackawanna 90698 combined E and L in diamond logo boxcar; blue body color; white lettering and graphics; equipped with sliding panel doors with dimensional data. Also made with road number 90681. Came in a Frank's Roundhouse white box.
Frank's Roundhouse # 75. Rutland 105 Green Mountain Gateway boxcar; yellow over green body color; green and yellow lettering and graphics; equipped with sliding panel doors with dimensional data. Came in either a Frank's Roundhouse white box or KMT blue, orange and white box.
Frank's Roundhouse # 77. Denver and Rio Grande Western 65827 boxcar; orange over silver body color; black lettering and graphics; equipped with sliding panel doors without dimensional data. Came in either a Frank's Roundhouse white box or KMT blue, orange and white box. Photo courtesy of the H. Schmid collection.
Frank's Roundhouse # 78. Baltimore and Ohio 466524 Sentinel boxcar; silver over blue body color; blue and white lettering and graphics; black, white, yellow and green Sentinel logo; equipped with sliding panel doors with or without dimensional data. Came in either a Frank's Roundhouse white box or KMT blue, orange and white box. Photo courtesy of the H. Schmid collection.