Kris Model Trains

Kris Model Trains were produced by Andrew "Andy" Kriswalus of Endicott, New York from 1968 to 1982. In semi-retirement, he continued selling up until his passing in 1990. Kris made boxcars, refrigerator cars, stock cars, gondolas, F3 locomotive shells, O and standard gauge track, S gauge rolling stock and railroad coasters. After 1982, Frank's Roundhouse and others produced/decorated cars for Kris to sell. Due to the number of Kris rolling stock variations, with some produced in single quantities, a complete listing would be a herculean task. The best source of printed information is the Kris Model Trains chapter in Greenberg's Guide to Kusan Trains by John O. Bradshaw. However, this book was published in 1987 and is now out of print.

Many Kris cars were produced from the original American Model Toys (AMT)-Kusan mold, which had full ladders and side rivet detail. Cars made from Kris molds have half ladders and smooth sides. Regarding car doors, Greenberg's book states the sliding plug, rib and smooth doors were designed by Kris, while the panel (corrugated) and stock car doors were carried over from AMT. However, the terms "panel" and "rib" were applied inconsistently throughout the book. So, for purposes of determining variations, panel and rib doors are considered interchangeable. If you have a car that doesn't fit one of the categories below, it may belong on the Who Done It? page. I'm always looking for more Kris Model Trains information and photos.

See the thumbnail links below, and pictures that follow, for Kris production.
Kris A&C Equipment Company Boxcars
A&C Equipment Company
Kris A&P Stock Cars
A&P Groceries
Kris ABC Auto Seat Cover Company Boxcars
ABC Auto Seat Cover Company
Kris Akron, Canton and Youngstown Boxcars
Akron, Canton and Youngstown
Kris Alaska Railroad Boxcars
Alaska Railroad
Kris All In One Hobby & Toy Center Rolling Stock
All In One Hobby & Toy Center
Kris Allison M. Cox Rolling Stock
Allison M. Cox
Kris All-Nation Line Boxcars
All-Nation Line
Kris Almost Heaven...West Virginia Rolling Stock
Almost Heaven...West Virginia
Kris America's Railroads Rolling Stock
America's Railroads
Kris American Revolution Bicentennial 1776 - 1976 Boxcar
American Revolution
Bicentennial 1776 - 1976
Kris Amphenol ASD Line Boxcars
Amphenol ASD Line
Kris Apple Butter Festival Boxcar
Apple Butter Festival
Kris Apples from Yakima Valley Refrigerator Cars
Apples from Yakima Valley
Kris Arabic Boxcars
Kris Art and Teresa Boxcar
Art and Teresa
Kris Atlantic Coast Line I
Atlantic Coast Line I
Kris Atlantic Coast Line II
Atlantic Coast Line II
Kris Ballantine Beer Rolling Stock
Ballantine Beer
Kris Baltimore and Ohio Boxcars
Baltimore and Ohio
Kris Big Top Circus Boxcars
Big Top Circus
Kris Blue Mountain Hotel and Golf Club Train Set
Blue Mountain Hotel & Golf Club
Kris Borden's Farm Products Refrigerator Cars
Borden's Farm Products
Kris Boston and Maine Rolling Stock
Boston and Maine
Kris Boy Scouts Rolling Stock
Boy Scouts
Kris Budweiser Beer Rolling Stock
Budweiser Beer
Kris Buffalo Creek Flour Boxcars
Buffalo Creek Flour
Kris Burlington Northern Rolling Stock
Burlington Northern
Kris Canadian National Rolling Stock
Canadian National
Kris Canadian Pacific Boxcars
Canadian Pacific
Kris Carling Black Label Beer Rolling Stock
Carling Black Label Beer
Kris Casanova's Milwaukee Boxcars
Casanova's Milwaukee
Kris Central Iowa Railway Boxcars
Central Iowa Railway
Kris Central Ontario Railway Boxcars
Central Ontario Railway
Kris Chessie System Boxcar
Chessie System
Kris Chicago and North Western Boxcars
Chicago and North Western
Kris Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rolling Stock
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy
Kris Choo-Choo Barn Rolling Stock
Choo-Choo Barn
Kris Circus Model Builders Rolling Stock
Circus Model Builders
Kris Clyde Beatty-Cole Brothers Circus Boxcars
Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus
Kris Coca-Cola Rolling Stock
Kris Colonel Hal Carstens' Bourbon Storage Boxcars
Col. Carstens' Bourbon Storage
Kris Colt 45 Malt Liquor Rolling Stock
Colt 45 Malt Liquor
Kris Compton Motors Boxcars
Compton Motors
Kris Conewago Valley Boxcar
Conewago Valley
Kris Coors Beer Boxcars
Coors Beer
Kris Cotton Belt Boxcar
Cotton Belt
Kris Cross Siclare Boxcars
Cross Siclare
Kris Crown Metal Products Rolling Stock
Crown Metal Products
Kris Cutty Sark Scotch Rolling Stock
Cutty Sark Scotch
Kris Delaware and Hudson Boxcars
Delaware and Hudson
Kris Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Boxcars
Delaware, Lackawanna and
Kris Dixie Beer Boxcars
Dixie Beer
Kris Dubuque Packing Company Refrigerator Cars
Dubuque Packing Company
Kris Elgin, Joliet and Eastern boxcars
Elgin, Joliet and Eastern
Kris Empro Signs Bank Car
Empro Signs
Kris Erie Lackawanna Boxcars
Erie Lackawanna
Kris Evans Air Pak Boxcar
Evans Air Pak
Kris Everett Railroad Boxcars
Everett Railroad
Kris Evergreen Freight Car Corporation Boxcar
Evergreen Freight Car Corp.
Kris Falstaff Beer Boxcars
Falstaff Beer
Kris Flowers Dale-Hereford Farms Stock Cars
Flowers Dale-Hereford Farms
Kris Frisco Lines Boxcar
Frisco Lines
Kris Fruit Growers Express Insulated Boxcar
Fruit Growers Express
Kris Gandy•Dancer Boxcar
Kris Genesee and Wyoming Boxcars
Genesee and Wyoming
Kris Genesee Beer Rolling Stock
Genesee Beer
Kris Glen's Train Shop Rolling Stock
Glen's Train Shop
Kris Gondolas I
Gondolas I
Kris Gondolas II
Gondolas II
Kris Grand Trunk Western Rolling Stock
Grand Trunk Western
Kris Great Northern Rolling Stock
Great Northern
Kris Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Boxcars
Gulf, Mobile and Ohio
Kris Hawk Mountain Line Rolling Stock
Hawk Mountain Line
Kris Heineken Beer Boxcars
Heineken Beer
Kris Helm Chevrolet Boxcar
Helm Chevrolet
Kris Hershey's Rolling Stock
Kris Higgins and Sheer Boxcar
Higgins and Sheer
Kris Hyman-Michaels Company Refrigerator Car
Hyman-Michaels Company
Kris Illinois Central Rolling Stock
Illinois Central
Kris Israel (Hebrew) Boxcars
Israel (Hebrew)
Kris Jersey Central Lines Boxcars
Jersey Central Lines
Kris Kentucky Fried Chicken Boxcars
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kris Kodak Rolling Stock
Kris Korean (Hangul) Boxcars
Korean (Hangul)
Kris Lehigh Valley Rolling Stock
Lehigh Valley
Kris Lincoln Train Boxcar
Lincoln Train
Kris Lionel Collectors Club of America Boxcars
Lionel Collectors Club of America
Kris Louisville and Nashville Boxcars
Louisville and Nashville
Kris Manila Railroad Company Boxcars
Manila Railroad Company
Kris Marine Midland Rolling Stock
Marine Midland
Kris Mennonite Central Committee Boxcar
Mennonite Central Committee
Kris Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Merry Xmas & Happy New Year
Kris Miller High Life Rolling Stock
Miller High Life
Kris Milwaukee Road Rolling Stock
Milwaukee Road
Kris Missouri Pacific Boxcars
Missouri Pacific
Kris M•L Servicing Boxcar
M•L Servicing
Kris Model Railroad Equipment Corporation Rolling Stock
Model Railroad Equipment Corp.
Kris Model Railroading Is Fun Rolling Stock
Model Railroading Is Fun
Kris New Hope and Ivyland Railroad Rolling Stock
New Hope and Ivyland Railroad
Kris New York Central Express Car
New York Central
Kris New York Life Insurance Boxcar
New York Life Insurance
Kris Norfolk and Western Rolling Stock
Norfolk and Western
Kris Old Dutch Cleanser Rolling Stock
Old Dutch Cleanser
Kris Ontario and Western Boxcar
Ontario and Western
Kris Oscar Mayer Refrigerator Cars
Oscar Mayer
Kris Pabst Beer Rolling Stock
Pabst Beer
Kris Pacific Fruit Express Rolling Stock
Pacific Fruit Express
Kris Paul's Model Railroad Shop Rolling Stock
Paul's Model Railroad Shop
Kris Penn Central Rolling Stock
Penn Central
Kris Pennsylvania Railroad Boxcars
Pennsylvania Railroad
Kris Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Boxcars
Pittsburgh and Lake Erie
Kris Pittsburgh and West Virginia Boxcars
Pittsburgh and West Virginia
Kris Primo Hawaiian Beer Rolling Stock
Primo Hawaiian Beer
Kris Prudential Life Insurance Boxcar
Prudential Life Insurance
Kris Pullman-Standard Boxcars
Kris Railway Express Agency Rolling Stock
Railway Express Agency
Kris Rath Packing Company Refrigerator Cars
Rath Packing Company
Kris Reading Lines Boxcars
Reading Lines
Kris Rheingold Beer Rolling Stock
Rheingold Beer
Kris Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Rolling Stock
Richmond, Fredericksburg and
Kris Rich's Hobbytowne Boxcar
Rich's Hobbytowne
Kris Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey
Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey
Kris Rio Grande Rolling Stock
Rio Grande
Kris Rock Island Boxcars
Rock Island
Kris Schaefer Beer Refrigerator Cars
Schaefer Beer
Kris Schlitz Beer Rolling Stock
Schlitz Beer
Kris Seaboard Coast Line Rolling Stock
Seaboard Coast Line
Kris Shenandoah Valley Railroad Boxcars
Shenandoah Valley Railroad
Kris Soo Line Rolling Stock
Soo Line
Kris Southern Pacific Rolling Stock
Southern Pacific
Kris Southern Railway Rolling Stock
Southern Railway
Kris Spokane, Portland & Seattle Boxcars
Spokane, Portland and Seattle
Kris St. Regis Paper Boxcar
St. Regis Paper
Kris Steamtown, U.S.A. Refrigerator Car
Steamtown, U.S.A.
Kris Stegmaier Beer Rolling Stock
Stegmaier Beer
Kris Sterling Salt Boxcars
Sterling Salt
Kris Strasburg Rail Road Rolling Stock
Strasburg Rail Road
Kris Stroh's Beer Rolling Stock
Stroh's Beer
Kris Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia Boxcars
Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia
Kris Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Boxcars
Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo
Kris TourMagination Boxcar
Kris Town of Bath Boxcars
Town of Bath
Kris Toy Train Operating Society Rolling Stock
Toy Train Operating Society
Kris TTOS 1971 Northeastern Division Meet Rolling Stock
Toy Train Operating Society
1971 Northeastern Division Meet
Kris TTOS 1973 Disneyland Hotel Convention Boxcars
Toy Train Operating Society
1973 Disneyland Hotel Convention
Kris Train Coach Restaurant Refrigerator Car
Train Coach Restaurant
Kris Train Collectors Association Boxcars
Train Collectors Association
Kris TCA 1972 National Convention Rolling Stock
Train Collectors Association
1972 National Convention
Kris Traintique/Vagell Symposium Rolling Stock
Traintique/Vagell Symposium
Kris Undecorated Rolling Stock
Kris Union Carbide - Linde Division Boxcar
Union Carbide - Linde Division
Kris Union Pacific Bank Cars
Union Pacific Bank Cars
Kris Union Pacific Boxcars I
Union Pacific Boxcars I
Kris Union Pacific Boxcars II
Union Pacific Boxcars II
Kris Union Pacific Insulated Boxcars
Union Pacific Insulated Boxcars
Kris Union Pacific Refrigerator Cars
Union Pacific Refrigerator Cars
Kris Union Pacific Stock Cars
Union Pacific Stock Cars
Kris Utica Club Beer Rolling Stock
Utica Club Beer
Kris Vermont Railway Boxcars
Vermont Railway
Kris Wabash Stock Cars
Wabash Railroad
Kris Wallkill Valley Railroad Rolling Stock
Wallkill Valley Railroad
Kris Western Maryland Boxcars
Western Maryland
Kris Western Pacific Boxcar
Western Pacific
Kris Wickes Lumber & Building Supplies Boxcars
Wickes Lumber

Other Kris Model Trains-related items of interest.
Kris Andy's Colossal Train Circus Boxcar
Andy's Colossal Train Circus
Kris Curiosities
Kris Door Types
Door Types
Newbraugh Brothers Toys 1974 - 1982
Newbraugh Brothers Toys
1974 - 1982
Kris Promotional Items
Promotional Items
Kris Railroad Coasters
Railroad Coasters
Kris S Gauge Rolling Stock
S Gauge
Kris Sales Documents
Sales Documents
Kris Train and Track Boxes
Train and Track Boxes

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