Kris Door Types
Kris Model Trains used various doors on their rolling stock. Stock doors, carried over from American Model Toys (AMT)-Kusan, were used for stock cars. Panel doors, sometimes referred to as corrugated doors, were also from AMT-Kusan and placed on boxcars, refrigerator and stock cars. Plug doors, designed by Kris, were installed on boxcars and refrigerator cars. Rib doors were also Kris designed and used on boxcars and refrigerator cars.
The smooth door, which is a flat piece of plastic, was a Kris innovation to aid the car decorating process. Smooth doors were introduced on the 1973 Toy Train Operating Society convention car (decorated door seen below). It was also used on road names for the American Revolution Bicentennial, Blue Mountain Hotel and Golf Club, Higgins and Sheer, Lionel Collectors Club of America and some cars printed for Newbraugh Brothers Toys.
Pictorial view of Kris Model Trains door types.
Door photos courtesy of the B. Batt collection.