Kusan-Auburn Boxcar Kit
In addition to already assembled boxcars, Kusan sold boxcar kits.
Packing materials: KMT Electric Trains box; large tissue paper used to wrap the car body; small tissue paper used to wrap the doors; one crumpled newspaper section was used as cushioning in each end of the box.
Parts bag contents: eight wheels; two truck bodies; four truck side frames; four axles; four door guides (the black paint did not adhere well to the metal); plenty of door guide mounting pins (only eight needed); ten truck side frame mounting bolts (only four needed); four car body mounting bolts; three coupler mounting bolts (only two needed); two truck-to-chassis screw rivets; two assembled couplers; one brake wheel and pin.
An assembled truck mounted in a Lionel rivet press prior to riveting it to the metal chassis. A hammer can also be used to tap in the rivet, if a rivet press is not available.
Since the body mounting bolts are self-tapping, it's recommended to use one to carefully make threads in each of the plastic body mounting posts prior to chassis assembly. Doing this helps to prevent the plastic posts from cracking during assembly.
Brake wheel attached to the car body end with a mounting pin. A rounded screwdriver handle is a handy tool for pushing in the mounting pin without damaging the plastic brake wheel.
Upper door guides mounted to both car sides prior to adding the chassis. The door guide pins were initially pushed in with the face of a flat blade screwdriver, then a vice was used to tighten them.