Kusan Mexican Flatcars
Kusan Mexican production Auto-Loader with automobiles. The design of this car was inspired by the postwar Lionel auto loader. The flatcar is black molded plastic painted glossy dark brick red. The metal superstructure is painted black. The automobiles were made by Plastimarx.
Kusan Mexican production auto loader. The design of this metal and plastic car was inspired by the postwar Lionel auto loader. There is a small white rectangular "Mexico" sticker on the car bottom.
Kusan Mexican production crane car. The orange crane swivels 360 degrees and the hook can be raised or lowered by manually turning the black hand crank. A white figure is glued to the green flatcar deck. There is a small white rectangular "Mexico" sticker on the car bottom.
Kusan Mexican production unmarked flatcar. Black molded plastic body painted red. There is an oval "Juguetes Kusan Mexicanos" sticker on the car bottom.