Kusan Mexican Tank Cars
Kusan Mexican production Cities Service tank car. White lettering and graphics were stamped on a red painted tank. No road number or technical car data. Cities Service is known today as CITGO.
Kusan Mexican production Cities Service 2544 tank car. White lettering and graphics were stamped on a green painted tank. Tank ends are black. Note the addition of a road number and technical car data compared to the one above. A small white rectangular "Mexico" sticker is on the car bottom. Photo courtesy of the G. Clarke collection.
Kusan Mexican production Chihuahua Pacifico (CH.P) 25747 PEMEX tank car. This white molded plastic car is painted yellow and green. Black lettering and graphics were stamped. There is a small white rectangular "Mexico" sticker on the car bottom. PEMEX is the government-owned Mexican petroleum company.