Kusan Mexican Auto Loaders

They resemble the postwar Lionel auto loaders.

Auto-Loader has cars with two headlights

Kusan Mexican production Auto-Loader. The automobiles have two headlights. The flatcar is black molded plastic painted glossy dark brick red; the metal superstructure is painted black. The automobiles were made by Plastimarx.

Auto-Loader has cars with four headlights

Kusan Mexican production Auto-Loader. The automobiles have four headlights. The flatcar is black molded plastic painted red; the metal superstructure is painted black. There is an oval "Juguetes Kusan Mexicanos" sticker on the car bottom. It is thought these automobiles were a later design by Plastimarx. Photo courtesy of the G. Clarke collection.

auto loader without cars

Kusan Mexican production auto loader without automobiles. The flatcar is painted green; the metal superstructure is painted black. There is a small white rectangular "Mexico" sticker on the car bottom.

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