Lionel # 12782 Operating Lift Bridge

Lionel # 12782 Operating Lift Bridge

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Dominating this scene is a Lionel # 12782 Operating Lift Bridge. The bridge is 21" high, 8" wide and 30" in length. The center span lifts 7" in the fully raised position. The bridge openings for trains are 6-1/8" high and 5-1/4" wide. Features of the bridge include a warning horn, bell sounds while the center span raises and lowers, red flashing strobe lights on top of the bridge superstructure and interior lighting in the bridge towers. There is a video of this bridge in operation on my website. Guarding one end of the bridge is an olive drab Lionel # 347 Cannon Firing Range Set. This set came with four silver-painted wooden shells. After setting the firing pins and loading the shells into the four cannon barrels, the red firing wheel can be rotated to fire the shells in succession.

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